Having been fl ooded herself, Mary Dhonau OBE knows only too well what an appalling experience it is. To watch as everything you have worked hard for is thrown into a skip is hard enough, but to lose precious sentimental items - such as children’s fi rst drawings - is completely devastating. The misery is further compounded by having to move out of your home into alternative accommodation for an average of nine months while your home is being repaired.

Had all the water that fell on the Thames, Somerset and the Severn fallen in Northamptonshire, many of you may have been telling ‘my’ story. It is a little known fact that over half of the fl ood insurance claims from the fl oods of 2012 were from surface water flfl ooding. Many parts of Northamptonshire are at risk of being fl ooded in this way and many of you will no doubt remember past fl oods. So how would Northamptonshire cope in an emergency? Does Northamptonshire have the resources to hand to be able to act quickly? Would the drainage system of ditches, drains and watercourses in Northamptonshire cope if we received a month’s worth of rain in one fl day like in 1998?

That is why Mary Dhonau is delighted to be employed by Northamptonshire County Council to help promote the ‘Community Pathfi nder Project’. Northamptonshire was one of only thirteen other places in the country to have been selected by Defra for funding to deliver this project. Twelve communities deemed at risk from surface water fl ooding have been chosen to take part: Brigstock, Geddington, Irchester, Naseby, Silverstone, Titchmarsh, Thrapston, Tiffi eld, Warmington, Weston and Weedon and Yelvertoft.

MDA Community Flood Consultants and  Northamptonshire County Council will be visiting all the selected villages above using a Community Flood Awareness Vehicle on 24th, 25th and 30th June and 1st July 2014. Please look on your village websites and notice boards for more details. The MDA consultants will talk to you about preparing for fl ooding, both individually and as a community, and about the funding they have secured to provide the selected communities with a community fl ood store, a rain gauge with associated warning system, the results of the recent community fl ood assessments and much more

For details, contact Mary Dhonau on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 07754 592 534

Flood Awareness Road Trip

Flood Awareness Road Trip

Flood Awareness Road Trip