
New Beginnings

As a little girl, I remember telling my Grannie that I wished Christmas or my birthday would come around quicker. She said, ”Don’t wish your life away. When you are older, time will fl y.”

How right she was! It seems just a short time ago when we were looking forward to the beginning of 2012; Jubilee Year and The Olympics and all that razzmatazz. Now, 2013 has arrived!

Like all New Years, I am fi lled with mixed emotions, sadness for past memories and of friends and family no longer with us, but also joy and hope. January could mean the chance for new beginnings, off with the old and on with the new, time to make those resolutions.

To look forward

As Christmas lights and decorations go back in the loft, our rooms look bare and colourless. I’m sure that’s where Spring Cleaning must have begun; to give our homes a fresh, new look after Christmas.

Flowers and plants can give that injection of freshness. I adore spring fl owers. A bowl of
hyacinth bulbs give colour and perfume or a jug of cut hyacinths and pussy willow like in
my picture so simple jet so pretty; delicate anemones, little jewels of colour. (Florist’s
tip - if they are looking tired, submerge under water for half an hour before arranging; they will come back to life).

According to an old saying you will have good luck for the year if there are narcissi blooming in your house as the New Year begins, who can resist those adorable paper whites?My favourite of all spring fl owers are tulips, especially white ones. Remember to cut the stems two inches shorter than you want them as they will grow that much in a couple of days. This stops them from fl opping - just let them wander where they like, put them in a jug or clear glass vase will look simple but lovely. When buying fl owers always re-cut the stems before you put them in water; this will keep them fresh a lot longer.

The shortest day is over - soon the snowdrops will come peeping through the ground - that
will be the signal that spring is on its way.

Happy and Healthy
New Year Everyone X.

The Garden Room
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The Garden Room

The Garden Room

The Garden Room

The Garden Room