
De-clutter Your House to Sell it Faster

Christmas is, for most of us, a time when we acquire lots of Things, and Things can rapidly
become Clutter. For those of you planning to sell your house in the Spring, Clutter is not good.

Clutter is, in fact, one of the greatest contributors to a home selling at a reduced price, or even not at all! You need to look at your house with ‘buyers eyes’. Imagine this is the fi rst time you have seen the house - what is your fi rst impression?


Clutter makes room feel smaller, and that makes the house feel smaller. It distracts the buyer from the features of the house and makes them feel uncomfortable. It makes it harder for the buyer to become emotionally attached to the house and see themselves living there with their belongings - and it is that visualisation, as much as anything, that sells houses.

De-cluttering doesn’t mean bringing in a huge bin and emptying everything into it. William Morris said ‘have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful or believe to be beautiful’, and while both of those can be a matter of interpretation, there are some general rules that can help with deciding what stays and what goes.Start by separating things into fi ve categories:

1. The things you need to have for day-to-day living or need to re-accessorise.
2. Those things that you will need in your new home, but are not currently using.
3. Things that need cleaning or repairing before packing.
4. Things that you are fi nished with and could be useful to someone else, also known as ‘I
must take that to a charity shop’.
5. Rubbish. This is where you need that huge bin!

If you are in doubt about keeping something, put it away for a couple of weeks and, if you haven’t needed it or thought about it, then it can be disposed of.

Go through your entire house, room by room (this can take some time) sorting and cleaning as you go and then again a week later - you will be amazed how much you will get rid of.
De-cluttering costs nothing, and is a vital part of getting ready to move. It will make moving easier, and you will create a spacious, open, simplifi ed look that appeals to most buyers.

If you would like help with de-cluttering your home or with any aspect of preparing your house for a successful sale then do ring me and I would be delighted to speak to you about it.

Happy times!
Kiki X

The Jordan House Styling Company
Tel: 07985 100897

 Jordan House Styling Company

De-clutter Your House to Sell it Faster

De-clutter Your House to Sell it Faster