
Jane Borland wouldn’t describe herself as being particularly vain but when she was diagnosed with breast cancer in April 2007 her immediate thought was ‘how am I going to look’ after the mastectomy? She was only 38 and didn’t want her appearance to change
dramatically! She immediately knew that she wanted to have reconstruction surgery.

Jane wasn’t sure how she would look after having reconstruction surgery and was confused about the different types that were on offer, but she knew that she couldn’t live the rest of her life with one breast; she didn’t want to lose her femininity. Not everyone shares
her feelings and is quite happy living with one breast, but Jane knew it wasn’t for her.

Jane was given a booklet by the breast care nurses at Kettering General Hospital where she was receiving treatment, which shows women both with a mastectomy and results of reconstruction. To be very honest, Jane didn’t have much hope of ever having breasts that made her feel like a woman again. Nevertheless, she was adamant that reconstruction surgery was her only option and, without any doubt, it was the right decision for Jane.

During one of many consultations with the plastic surgeon at KGH, Mr Sankar discussed with Jane the idea of having a ‘patient led’ support group for patients who are considering breast reconstruction. Jane was immediately interested as she knew that she would have benefited greatly by talking to women who had already gone through the process, and it would possibly have given her the option to see the results for herself.

Making the decision to undergo yet more surgery was a personal one and wasn’t always encouraged by Jane’s loved ones. So, after her successful reconstruction in the summer of 2009, Jane helped form BRA group.

BRA group meets on the second Tuesday of each month at The Treatment Centre at Kettering General Hospital at 7pm.

BRA group:

• Allows ladies to openly and honestly discuss all issues surrounding breast reconstruction, be it asking how painful it may be, about the end results, or about how other people respond to their choice to have reconstruction surgery

• Offers ladies who have already undergone the emotional and physical stress of losing one or both breasts to breast cancer, support through sharing and listening

• Has open meetings with no agenda to allow the opportunity to talk or just listen for the entire evening

• Is a forum to discuss the serious issues surrounding the decision to voluntarily undergo yet more surgery in a frank, friendly, and often humorous way

• Is an organised support group which empowers ladies through access to information and knowledge

• Allows ladies the opportunity to see the results of the different types of reconstruction surgery which other ladies have undergone.

You can contact Bra group on: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
or you can reach Jane on 07835 117884

BRA (Breast Reconstruction Awareness) Group also known as BRA group