
March of many weathers’ is one of
my father’s sayings. He also quotes the
expression that if March comes in like a lion,
it will go out like a lamb, and vice versa.
These no doubt have been passed down
through the generations and, I guess, there
must be some truth in them.

We will have to wait and see what the weather
has in store for us - bearing in mind that these
sayings are probably as accurate as the Met
Offi ce’s super computer seems to be!
March is the offi cial start of Spring, and it
is lovely to see the buds appearing on the
trees and the lambs gambolling happily in
the fi elds. Daffodils springing up, the birds
singing happily and lighter mornings.
Mothering Sunday is on 15th March, an
ideal opportunity to spoil our Mums and let
them know how much they
mean to us. Traditionally,
Mothering Sunday
was the day when
people working
away in service
returned home
to their ‘mother’
parish church, and
would also visit
their parents. They
tended to walk along
country lanes, picking
wild fl owers as they went,
which is where the tradition of
giving your mother fl owers on
Mothering Sunday originated

The clocks then go forward on 29th
March - I always have to rely on the
‘spring forward, fall back’ method of
remembering which way. Isn’t there
always a clock or watch that you forget
to do too? I jump in the car on the
Monday morning and am momentarily
confused by the time it tells me.

Then it’s full steam ahead to Easter - Easter
Sunday falling on 5th April this year. Hot
cross buns are probably my favourite Easter
tradition, although I must confess I’ve never
tried to bake them myself. I discovered
M&S Belgian chocolate ones last year - truly
delicious - I feel I may have to treat myself
again this year!

Thanks for reading - you can read more from
me weekly in the Northants Telegraph, on
their website and on my blog.