
Happy New Year!

2017 has arrived, not sure where 2016 went, it
flew by pretty quickly…

I think it’s safe to say that 2016 was a year of
momentous change, both for us here in the UK
and in the USA. Let’s hope that things settle
down and we can all work together to find
more things in common which bind us together
rather than focussing on and highlighting the
differences between us.

On a lighter note, it’s time to announce those
New Year’s resolutions - get fit, lose weight,
drink less, etc.

I did ‘dry January’ last year, but I’m not doing
it again this year. Not that I can’t - I managed
spectacularly last year even though I say so
myself and there were numerous temptations
- but it’s a very good friend’s significant
birthday and I feel it would be rude to refuse
Champagne (other sparkling beverages are
also available and acceptable) if offered.

In fact, I think that’s going to be one of my
New Year’s Resolution for 2017 - never to
refuse a cup of tea or a glass of Champagne.
No prizes for guessing that I’m anticipating to
be mainly awash with tea!

Talking of tea, I honestly believe that it’s the
only beverage that I could never give up.
Even if my health depended on it, it would
be a struggle to resist that mug of builders’
strength brew that gets my brain functioning
every morning.

Tea is also what gets me through the cold
Winter days - I have to be honest I struggle a
bit with the dark days and I’m looking forward
to Spring. Talking of which, it’ll soon be here -
see you all in the March/April edition!

Thanks for reading, please visit my blog
and Northants Telegraph column too. Many
thanks, Hx

Our Corner of Northamptonshire