
This year marks the 15th year of Brigstock’s Beer Festival.  The popular festival will be going “stateside” with a US theme and will held on Friday 20th and Saturday 21st September. 

Who would have thought 15 years on from discussing the idea of having a beer festival in a pub with a couple of friends that it would have become such a successful annual event?  The aim of the festival then, as it is now, was to raise money for local charities and groups by providing a variety of entertainment for all the family.  Last year, the festival raised over £4,200 and the last 14 festivals have raised over £84,000 in total.  It was decided a couple of years ago that it would be “fun” if the festival had a theme and that this would also differentiate it from other beer festivals.  Following on from success of OktoberFest in 2017 and the Latino Fiesta in 2018, it was decided that the 2019 festival would once again be themed, this time US style.  Whilst British beer drinkers may not automatically associate the US with great beer they actually have lots of breweries producing excellent artisan ales and a variety of these will be available at the Festival. 

Once again, the Festival will commence on the Friday with the ever popular comedy night and will feature three top comedians and a compère.  

On the Saturday, the festival starts at 1pm and entry is free.   There will be mule rides, bucking bronco, “dawg” agility, flea circus, cheerleaders and Elvis will be making an appearance.  American-style refreshments will also be available and other attractions will include live music and performances, “Punch and Judy”, circus skills, duck race and ministeam engine rides.   The entertainment continues on Saturday evening from 7.30pm with the highly acclaimed local rock n roll band “T100”. Throughout the festival there will be a bar with over 20 different beers including a variety of American-style beers alongside a range of ciders, wines, lagers and gins. 

There is an admission charge for the comedy night of £15 and as it has sold out every year pundits are advised to buy their tickets early.  This is a great local event which supports very worthwhile causes so come and join in the fun.

Tickets can be purchased from Chris Allen on 01536 373059 or the  Brigstock Cricket Club.

Visit for details  

Brigstock Beer Festival 2019Brigstock Beer Festival 2019