
Do you have cancer and receive treatment in Northamptonshire?

Integrated Cancer Therapies (ICT) is a registered charity based in Corby offering FREE complementary therapies and a dropin support service. ICT relies solely on charitable donations.

Who can use this service?
People 18 and over, who currently live or receive treatments in Northamptonshire or have been diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives, can use the drop-in service or come for complementary therapies. The ICT team know how diffi cult it is making the initial step with something new so please feel free to bring a relative or a friend with you.

What can you expect?
The drop-in support service provides a confi dential, friendly, informative environment
with access to local networks and signposting to other organisations. There is an  increasing body of evidence that shows therapies help with the side-effects of medical treatments for cancer. They can also combat physical and emotional symptoms of stress and promote relaxation, healing and well being.

If you choose to have complementary therapies an initial assessment will be carried out and an individual treatment plan will be agreed. Therapies are provided at the support group, at home and in hospital; ICT does reserve the right to decline to treat a client.

How does this fi t in with your medical treatment?
The therapies are intended to complement your hospital treatment as ICT does not offer
medical advice.

What are the therapies?
The therapies on offer are aromatherapy, refl exology, therapeutic massage, therapeutic
touch, hypnotherapy and relaxation classes. In addition, there is a wig service by appointment.

The ICT drop-in meets on Tuesdays from 9.30 am to 2 pm at Corby Village Community Hall,
13 High Street, NN17 1UX. If you would like to talk to ICT about the service on offer, please call 0800 316 6772 or visit the website